How does QTP identifies the objects ?
QTP has a unique procedure to identifies the object, as per my expereince I feel this separts QTP from rest of the tool.
There are three ways by which QTP Identifies the Object in the Object Repository(OR) and they are :
-Mandatory Properties & Assistive properties
-Ordinal Identifiers
-Smart Identification
What is Mandatory properties and Assistive properties..?
These are the property which we give in Initial stage of Identifying the objects, like the name, title and Url properties for Browser Class. These are the basic properties which QTP uses to identifiy the objects in the application.The Mandatory and Assistive properties can selected after analysing the unqine property/properties by which the objects can be identified easily without any confilct. We can selet which properties should be madatory and assitive property.

Object Identification Window opens. Select the property/properties which is required by clicking 'Add/Remove' button then click 'OK'.
You can select the Oridinal identifier and Enable Smart Identification here itself.
Ordinal Identifiers:
Ordinal Identifier are the unique numerical value which QTP assigns for objects class in order to identify them. Ordinal Identifiers comes in object process when the Manadatory and assistive properties fails to identify the object. Ordinal Identifiers cannot be viewed using Spy.
There are three types of Ordinal Identifiers
- Index
- Location
- Creation Time
Index : Index property are the numerical value generated by QTP for the object class. The starting value of index is Zero.
Location : Location Property are the numerical value of the objects which are in the The starting value of index is Zero.parent Window/browser, Frame and other objects.
Creation Time: This Ordinal Identifier is specifically for Browser class objects only. Numerical values are generated in the order in which the browsers are opened.
Smart Identification:
Smart Identification is used when QTP fails to identifies the object using Manadotry & Assative properties and ordinal Identifiers. Smart Identification uses two types of properties and they are Base Filter Properties and Optional Filter Properties.
Base Filter Properties:Base filter properties are the basic and fundamental properties of the object which cannot be changed without changing the object itself.
Optional Filter Properties:These are the properties which are the remaining other properties which are unlikely to change frequently.
Object Identification Process:
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